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Struggling to Introduce Your Kids to Jesus? This Powerful Comic is a GAME CHANGER!

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Jesus Wants to Shower You With Blessings of Love, Goodness, and Mercy TODAY (This Comic Will SHOCK You!)

RALEIGH, N.C. - Rezul -- BCreative praised Jehovah Jireh - The Incredible Provider, saying, "This graphic novel points to the One... not just some movie 'the one'... but for real, the One who can change your life now and forever. Lots of Scripture references and lots of power available for whoever will lay hold. Powerful."

See how Jesus lifts us from pits of despair to places of blessings. Experience his joy and be set free to live his will to its fullest.

Another reviewer highlighted its potential as a witnessing tool, stating, "This graphic novel is packed with biblical truth. In many ways you can find the complete gospel on any given page. The artwork is engaging and the gospel presentation is solid. It is my hope that the Lord with use Jehovah Jireh - The Incredible Provider as a vital tool to build His Kingdom."

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Jesus grants second, third, and forever chances, so don't lose heart. Jesus wants more for you than you can imagine. Believe his words and be encouraged.

Another reviewer commented on its appeal to younger audiences, saying, "This book engages kids from the start. What a creative way to illustrate who God is! Love it!"

Is Jesus too good to be true? No! Though rich, he became poor, so we might share in his treasures.  Deepen your faith in the goodness of God. Expect your Lord to do the impossible. Read the words of Jesus and believe that he wants his best for you.

Reviewer Will Butler added, "Great graphics and great story! While the graphics are stereotypical, they are very well done. The story is very solid and engaging. The layout of the book makes it such that kids thru older teens would find it interesting. The graphic novel is a cool way to present Bible stories. It's like the Golden Age of Comics went to church!"

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This is not the wealth and health prosperity gospel preached by some but the pure Good News Jesus gave to all. Abundance in Jesus is all that we need for each day. Provision in Jesus is contentment, joy, peace, work with purpose, and HIS presence in our lives.

When you purchase Jehova Jirah, you're not just buying a book - you're providing a meal for someone in need. 100% of the profits go towards helping feed and clothe the homeless. Your support doesn't end there; your review could inspire another reader, leading to even more meals for those who require them most. Make a difference, one book, one meal, one life at a time.

Learn more at: https://pirate-preacher.com/jireh

Writers Coach

Source: Writers Coach

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